Sometimes something happens to you and all the questions & uncertainties step aside so you can do what needs to be done. All that confusion and worry just drains out and the weightlessness that ensues is a bizarre circumstance.
Pinhole vision sets in and blocks out the periphery.
The thing you’ve locked into is all that is left in the universe, and its draw is cosmic. In the face of such clarity I had no choice but to give in, no choice but to let go and forget to think about what this would mean when it was over. All that mattered was that it was done.
I’m not a monster but what I did was nothing short of monstrous.
They took my heart.
So I took all of theirs, every single one.
I knew I had to destroy every piece of them to the last.
And so I did
I killed the mothers.
I killed the daughters.
I killed their sons and fathers.
I even killed their fucking dogs. I
I could have nothing less than their total obliteration.
They took everything I had.
Everything I was.
So I took them out of the history books.
Hah. If there is even anyone left out there keeping track.
I took the “innocent” ones, the ones whose only crime was being touched by his love. I had to prove to him that I would settle nothing less. That I’d burn everything they had to the ground and watch until the last glowing embers died out.
So I could be sure they were gone forever.
Until that day, I’d never hurt anything unless it got in my way, and even then I would give it a chance to get the fuck out of it.
I didn’t give a single chance.
Just like she didn’t have one.
It’s only fair.
The only thing she did was give her best and love me just as much as I loved her. The purity of it was what made them sick, it made him sick. And if they couldn’t palate it, no one could.
So with the same destructive resolve I turned their hate back in on them.
What came out though, was so much worse that what they did, so much darker than their intentions.
I became the monster that lived inside of them, and when they saw the terrifying thing in my eyes, they knew the coming death would be a desirable escape from the horror in front of them. Some got to go quickly, mostly because I didn’t have time to waste.
But when it was his turn, I took my time. I wanted him to feel every nuance of the consequence. People used to say it’s dangerous to take power away from a man. That he’ll do anything to get it back. For me, she was my strength, she gave me the power not to become what they turned me into.
With her gone there is nothing left to stop me anymore.
I have nothing to reclaim because she’s gone.
So I tore a hole in the world just as big as the one inside of myself
I made a monument of their foolish mistake.
I didn’t question a second of it, and I didn’t care what it would mean when it was over.
It had to be done.
Maybe I am a monster for doing it, but if I am, it is the one they made me.