Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Alison's missing

I Waited for her all night long.
Every moment in the darkness was dragged out like a lifetime.
Each time the wind came through and rustled the leaves, my heart jumped hoping it was her footsteps moving with it just like I had taught her.  She never came out of the dark though, and once the sun finally came up, I had to try and find her myself.
As insane as it seemed, I had no choice but to try.
After all, there have been countless times before where blind luck has been kind and brought us together despite the odds, but I can't help but wonder if that luck has run out on me.
There's nothing quite like the frantic panicked search for the ones you love.
Despite the critical need for rational thought in moments like these, the mind is over-run with a sickening unsettling need to run in circles and lose yourself....
Things never used to be on the line quite like they are now, there is no room for error, and the wrong step could be your death sentence.  The reaper has us all in his arms, now I'm stuck wondering if her time had come, if he had finally taken the last thing I had, and left me alone in the world.

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