Thursday, October 29, 2009

do your homework - date unknown.

It hit me hard, and a ready as I tell myself I am, nothing can prepare you for the sneak attack. It comes without warning, and it comes with its homework done. The sensation is overwhelming, and they just keep hitting us in all the right places. There isn’t even time to think between the blows, and instinct becomes incapable of coming to the rescue.
So the panic rushes in…
They do their homework.
They go straight for the heart.
That horrifying chill goes up my spine and I feel their slimy fingers grabbing a hold and squeezing for dear life. It is in moments like these when the glimmer of hope is out of sight, the feeling of defeat and the compulsion to give up are greater than ever.
For a moment, I prepare myself for the end, for rest. Then that glimmer comes back, it is so distant I wonder if it’s really there or if it’s just what the end looks like.

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