Monday, October 19, 2009

seeds - Date unknown

We used to take so much for granted until we were forced to see just how good we had it. When I think back and remember the kinds of things I “worried” about, a foul sickness pours into my stomach. I have a hard time grasping how we ever had anything to complain about.  Once something comes along and takes all of that away, there is only one thing left in your name.
Your life.
Growing up in a world with everything at your fingertips, getting used to having nothing is no easy task.
The ones who can.
They’re like me.
Here to tell you about the ones who can't.
Those who dwell in the loss dwell in a dark place. A place where they mourn and they allow whatever it is they lost to take something with it.  Something that doesn’t belong to it.
We give pieces of ourselves away like a good seed of hope.
We dream of them growing up in a place where they might really mean something. Give too much away though, and it won’t be long until you don’t even have a piece to call your own. I’ve only ever had one piece to give.  The rest I would need to get through what lay ahead. What I gave was the very best in me, and I cannot live to see it lost in vien.

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