Monday, November 30, 2009


It took me 13 days to get to the falls.
Dennis had shown me the way there more than once.
But it was thick with corpses.
Not like anything I’ve seen since the beginning.
Took me 4 days to get around them.
Once I cleared the woods, I came into the field being overlooked by the wall of stone where they dug in.
No spotters.
No traps.
Only death and its awful litter.
I reached the base of the cliff-face and made my way up. 
By the time I reached the entrance, I could already see something had gone terribly wrong.  The only good thing about the smell?  It’s the warning of what lies ahead of it.  The awful part is the fear it carries on its breath, the cold shiver that reminds me I could be next.
I didn’t waste any time.
Everyone was dead, and if they weren’t.
I couldn’t be bothered to drag them back with me.
I didn’t even bother trying to find any supplies.
It’s been 20 days now, and I am almost back to camp.
The trails and ridges I scouted to carry me home are swarming now.
But I will make it home.
I have to warn them.
I have to get her out of there. 

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